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Tag: Print Media

Code of Ethics – Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors (CPNE)

The Code of Ethics of the Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors (CPNE): 1. The Press shall avoid biased reporting or publication of unverified material, and avoid the expression of comments and conjecture as established fact. Generalization based on the behavior of an individual or small number of individuals will be termed unethical. 2. The Press while publishing findings of opinion polls and surveys shall indicate the number of people, geographical area on which the polls and surveys were conducted and the identity of poll sponsor. 3. Any kind of privilege or inducement, financial or otherwise, which is likely to create

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Participants of moot review recommendations of Media Commission

Experts of civil society, owners of private TV channels, representatives of associations of electronic and print media and advertisers, teachers and students of Mass-communication Department University of Karachi and others have reviewed the recommendations of Media Commission appointed by Supreme Court of Pakistan. This review was held at a roundtable event jointly organised by Citizens’ Initiatives on Media Issues (CIMI), and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in collaboration with Department of Mass-Communications, University of Karachi here at a local hotel on Monday. Philipp Kauppert, Resident Director, FES, Pakistan said that media of Pakistan is developing day-by-day, but it needs some reforms. He said

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Hostility against independent journalism and editorial policy

They ascribe the reason for such hostility against them by the Government to their independent journalism and editorial policy in both print media and broadcast media. They stated that their media was often deprived of their fair share of Government-controlled advertising due to their refusal to toe the line of the Government-of-the-day including particularly the Federal Government in office from 2008-2013. Though, on the face of it, this Government tolerated extreme and harsh criticism of its policies and leaders by the media, in actual practice, in several instances, Government took actions to reduce allocations of Government advertising in disproportion to

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Prevention of independent scrutiny of print and electronic media

Cross-media ownership prevents independent scrutiny by print media of the content, standards and policies of the electronic media owned by the same group. And vice versa while this is not a conventional “corrupt practice”, cross-media ownership deprives citizens from access to independent evaluation of the content of various media.

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Opinion of the Media Commission about Print and Electronic Media

The Commission is of the opinion that both print media and electronic media individually and through their representative bodies, as also advertisers need to conduct sober, self-critical introspection to review, reform and renew their respective roles and responsibilities. At the same time, both Federal and Provincial Legislatures, and Federal and Provincial Governments need to conduct a comprehensive review of media-related legislation, policies and rules to remove defects and to update them to contemporary conditions as also to prepare for a rapidly changing future. In the succeeding Section of this Report, the Commission has identified specific areas and precise measures that

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The Four categories of Media

Print Media e.g. Newspapers and magazines with easy conditions of entry for publishers and editors, without differentiation between authentic, credible print media and on the other, a large number of “dummy publications”. Both types enjoy high levels of freedom of expression and in many instances also receive substantial benefits from Government-controlled advertising, irrespective of whether a newspaper is a genuine newspaper with a credible level of circulation or it is a merely token, ceremonial publication whose circulation may not exceed 100 or 500 copies a day but, because of corrupt practices, receives larger volumes of Government-controlled advertising. Electronic Media In

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Negative facets of News Media

1. Lack of adequate, comprehensive training in print journalism and in broadcast journalism before persons are given the opportunity to become reporters, anchors, news readers, content controllers, etc. 2. Advertisers virtually dictate prime time content preferences by using a narrow, relatively non-representative, heavily urban and consumption oriented rating system to pressurize channels into cut-throat competition and to a lowering of standards of content. 3. Excessive commercialism e.g. advertising messages superimposed on screens during unrelated content, prolonged mid-breaks etc. 4. Along with the “breaking news” race, hysteria, hype and trivialization. 5. Promotion of acrimony, conflict, grievance. 6. Fragmentation of audiences due

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Allegations of media-related corruption in general

Allegations of media-related corruption in general as per the Commission’s formulation: 1. Bribes, inducements, perks, etc. to journalists and media personnel to obtain prominent or favorable coverage in media or to plant false or defamatory news against others. 2. Discriminatory, undue allocation of Government-controlled advertising to print media and electronic media. 3. Undue financial benefits obtained by/given to Government officials through direct payment in cash, or kind, or through kickbacks on award of advertising contracts to favored advertising agencies. 4. Unfair Selection/appointment of advertising agencies and media, using different method. 5. Non-media-related commercial interests of media proprietors (e.g. ownership of

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