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Negative facets of News Media

1. Lack of adequate, comprehensive training in print journalism and in broadcast journalism before persons are given the opportunity to become reporters, anchors, news readers, content controllers, etc.

2. Advertisers virtually dictate prime time content preferences by using a narrow, relatively non-representative, heavily urban and consumption oriented rating system to pressurize channels into cut-throat competition and to a lowering of standards of content.

3. Excessive commercialism e.g. advertising messages superimposed on screens during unrelated content, prolonged mid-breaks etc.

4. Along with the “breaking news” race, hysteria, hype and trivialization.

5. Promotion of acrimony, conflict, grievance.

6. Fragmentation of audiences due to proliferation of choices in place of singular and cohesive sharing of content.

7. Non-transparency in financial aspects of media e.g. advertising rates charged, grants or support received from overseas sources, fees and salaries paid to staff, assets and income of media owners etc.

8. Absence of effective enforced self-regulation mechanism.

9. Absence of credible, audience-oriented complaints mechanism.

10. Excessive use of Indian content on TV and in FM Radio stations and new surge in dubbed content from Turkey at the expense of Pakistani content.

11. Tendency on the part of some sections of media to conduct criticism of civil and military institutions in terms that are remarkably similar to criticism of the same institution by sections of overseas media including Indian media, thereby adversely impacting internal national cohesion and solidarity during a time when the country faces harsh internal as well as external threats.

12. Inability of PEMRA to enforce discipline due to excessive proliferation of channels (satellite channels plus CD in-house channels of each cable TV Distributor) and due to ease with which stay orders are obtained from the High Courts to suspend the application of penalties for violation of the law and rules.

– Negative facets of News Media page is a part of Some Basic Concerns of the Media Commission.