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Category: Terms of Reference No. I

Misuse of powers to control advertising and secret funds

One proprietor of a major media house stated that Government misused its powers on control of advertising and of secret funds to conduct character assassination of individuals such as himself and of his media group because of the independent policies of his group and candid criticism of Governmental corruption, miss-governance and nepotism. He said that despite the fact that his media group paid the highest levels of tax to the public exchequer, unfounded and exaggerated claims were filed by Government entities against his media group in order to harass him and his associates and to defame names and reputations as

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Hostility against independent journalism and editorial policy

They ascribe the reason for such hostility against them by the Government to their independent journalism and editorial policy in both print media and broadcast media. They stated that their media was often deprived of their fair share of Government-controlled advertising due to their refusal to toe the line of the Government-of-the-day including particularly the Federal Government in office from 2008-2013. Though, on the face of it, this Government tolerated extreme and harsh criticism of its policies and leaders by the media, in actual practice, in several instances, Government took actions to reduce allocations of Government advertising in disproportion to

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Media houses have been systematically discriminated

Senior representatives of major media houses conveyed to the Commission in person that, notwithstanding a written policy and procedure aiming for merit-based allocation of Government advertising and notwithstanding claims made in speeches and statements made by public office holders of the Government of the day at the Federal and the Provincial level, they have been systematically discriminated against and, de facto, persecuted.

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Comments are not identified by name in the Notes of Meetings

In most of such cases, the names and organizations were made part of either Part-One or Part-Two of this Report However, as in the case of some information and views conveyed in confidence to the Commission, on the request of the persons concerned, their comments are not identified by name in the Notes of Meetings which constitutes Section-III of Part-Two of this Report.

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Observations and recommendations made by representatives

The Commission noted with respect and appreciation the deep interest taken by all the groups and forums from civil society, directly and indirectly concerned with media issues. Their names and their views are part of the Notes of Meetings. The Commission is of the opinion that both the Government entities concerned with the information and media sectors as well as the private media firms in both print and electronic sectors should take careful note of the pertinent observations and recommendations made by representatives of women’s groups, social media activists, forums such as the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, South Asian

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Interaction with stakeholders, business, media and government entities

In addition to interacting with the stakeholders with commercial business relations with the media sector and Government entities, the Commission also as recorded in Part-One of its Report, met with several representatives of groups, organizations and institutions from civil society with an interest in media issues as also with representatives of working journalists, audience-measurement agencies that provide the rating system for electronic media, former and serving chief executives of corporations.

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General Observations by the Commission on TOR Nos. G, H & I

1. Interaction with stakeholders, business, media and government entities. 2. Comments are not identified by name in the Notes of Meetings. 3. Observations and recommendations made by representatives. 4. Media houses have been systematically discriminated. 5. Hostility against independent journalism and editorial policy. 6. Misuse of powers to control advertising and secret funds.

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Recommendations by the Commission on TOR Nos. G, H & I:

26. The Commission recommends that aspects covered by TOR No. G be brought to the attention of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and the Standing Committees of the National Assembly and the Senate on Information & Broadcasting to recommend improvements in relevant policies and procedures so that the positive goals indicated in TOR No. G is achieved. 27. In order to conclusively establish the truth or the falsehood of allegations and accusations about corrupt practices in selection of advertising agencies and media for Government-controlled advertising and in view of the scale and frequency with which a particular advertising group

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Findings and Observations on TOR Nos. G, H and I

(i) Does an official policy exist for the fair and equitable allocation of Government-controlled advertising to advertising agencies and media? (ii) If such a policy does exist, does the actual implementation of the policy suffer from concealed manipulation to favour particular advertising agencies and media? (iii) Is there scope for public money to be used arbitrarily (and, possibly also secretly) to favour particular channels, journalists or media houses? 2. With regard to the first question: the response is: “Yes” there does exist a set of written, defined procedures, criteria, documentation requirements and guidelines which, taken together, may be described as

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