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Tag: Ofcom

Recommendations of the aims expressed in the legislation and models of regulatory forums

(i) Based on a comprehensive appraisal of the original aims expressed in the legislation that introduced private electronic media to Pakistan, and with reference to models of regulatory forums in countries with democratic systems, the Commission makes the following Recommendations for the consideration of the Hon’ble Court and for the consideration of the new National Assembly elected on 11thMay,2013 which, with the already existing Senate, represents the new Parliament of Pakistan. (ii) There is an urgent need to revisit and reconstruct the laws, regulations and rules by which PEMRA exists and functions. (iii) Elements that should shape amendments to the

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Substantive reform of Federal and Provincial Information Ministries

The Commission concludes that the Federal Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the four Provincial Departments of Information require substantive re-structuring by which:- i. certain departments and functions should be either abolished, or significantly reformed, in order to ensure that the continued functioning of this institutional framework does not impede or obstruct the fulfilment of rights guaranteed by Article 19; For instance, there should be horizontal de-centralization and decontrol in the selection of advertising agencies and selection of media for advertising by Government entities to replace the existing centralized system with a new accountable, monitored autonomy-based framework. ii. due consideration

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