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Tag: independent journalism

Hostility against independent journalism and editorial policy

They ascribe the reason for such hostility against them by the Government to their independent journalism and editorial policy in both print media and broadcast media. They stated that their media was often deprived of their fair share of Government-controlled advertising due to their refusal to toe the line of the Government-of-the-day including particularly the Federal Government in office from 2008-2013. Though, on the face of it, this Government tolerated extreme and harsh criticism of its policies and leaders by the media, in actual practice, in several instances, Government took actions to reduce allocations of Government advertising in disproportion to

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Minister or a Minister for visits such acceptance of complimentary support also erodes the capacity for independent journalism. Acceptance of secret payments from institutions other than the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in the public sector e.g. other Ministries and Departments, civil and military intelligence agencies or the private corporate sector. 4. Prevention of independent scrutiny of print and electronic media. 5. Notable number of media professionals possess integrity and competence. The response by the Commission to TOR No. F as provided by the Hon’ble Court is meant to cover those aspects of media and those persons related to the

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General Observations by the Commission on TOR Nos. G, H & I

1. Interaction with stakeholders, business, media and government entities. 2. Comments are not identified by name in the Notes of Meetings. 3. Observations and recommendations made by representatives. 4. Media houses have been systematically discriminated. 5. Hostility against independent journalism and editorial policy. 6. Misuse of powers to control advertising and secret funds.

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